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Q Q :
主持人:Dr. Qi ZHU Department of Finance, School of Management, Fudan University
主题:Corporate R&D and Stock Returns: International Evidence
演讲者:Prof. Yan XU Associate Professor, The University of Hong Kong
简介: XU, Yan received his PhD from University of South Carolina in 2007, and joined the University of Hong Kong in 2013. His main research interests are in international financial markets, empirical asset pricing, and financial development and economic growth. His research has appeared in academic journals such as Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, and Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. Prior to joining the University of Hong Kong he had worked as a quantitative research analyst in State Street Global Advisors and had also been an assistant professor of finance in University of Rhode Island from 2008 to 2013. Currently he teaches derivatives and international finance at the undergraduate level.