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Q Q :
主持人:Dr. Qi ZHU Department of Finance, School of Management, Fudan University
主题:Analyst Monitoring and Internal Capital Market Efficiency
演讲者:Prof. Re-Jin GUO Professor and Associate Head , University of Illinois at Chicago
简介: Re-Jin Guo is Professor and Associate Head at the Department of Finance, University of Illinois at Chicago. Her research interests include analyses of the market of initial public offerings, cost of capital estimates, corporate governance, large shareholder ownership, as well as valuation of firm’s innovation capability. Her research has been published at Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, and Journal of American Statistical Association. Re-Jin currently serves as associate editor at Journal of Business, Economics, and Statistics, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, as well as at the editorial review board of the Corporate Governance: An International Review.