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如何领导一家“巨无霸”家族企业 | 复旦金融投资培训课程资讯
— Topic —
Managing Changes: How I Lead One of the Largest Private Companies
Date: 16:30 - 18:00, April 25th, 2017
Venue: AIA Hall, Starr Building, School of Management, Fudan University(复旦管院史带楼友邦堂,国顺路670号)
Speaker: David W. MacLennan, Chairman and CEO of Cargill
Language: English
David W. MacLennan
Chairman and CEO of Cargill
David W. MacLennan is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cargill since 2015. He was elected to the Cargill Board of Directors in 2008 and previously served as CFO and COO. Cargill is the world‘s largest private company in 2016. Starting from a granary in Minnesota in 1865, Cargill’s business now ranges from agriculture, food, to financial and industrial products, with more than 150,000 employees in 70 countries. Cargill’s revenue in 2016 ranked it among the world’s 50 largest companies.
During its more than 150 years of history, Cargill has undergone numerous changes and crisis, big or small. The change is even more dramatic because of the nature of Cargill’s major business, commodity trading. As the helmsman of Cargill, Mr. MacLennan will share how Cargill has mitigated through the changes, and how he leads the company in today’s challenging environment.
Mr. MacLennan has held management positions within the financial, risk management, energy, and animal protein platforms. Prior to joining Cargill, he worked in the futures and securities sector in Chicago, and was president of fixed income capital markets at USBancorp Piper Jaffray. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Amherst College and an M.B.A. in finance from the University of Chicago.
麦伟德先生经常在“世界经济论坛”等重大活动上发表演讲。最近在瑞士举办的《金融时报》大宗商品全球峰会上,麦伟德先生大力倡导开放包容的贸易政策,并指出世界正处于国际贸易政策的关键转折点——这将影响许多行业包括农业的新变化。自1991年加入嘉吉公司以来,他曾在金融、风险管理、能源和动物蛋白平台担任管理职位。在加入嘉吉公司之前,他曾在芝加哥的期货和证券行业工作,并曾在USBancorp Piper Jaffray公司担任固定收益资本市场总裁。他拥有阿默斯特学院的英语学士学位和芝加哥大学的金融学M.B.A.硕士学位。